Chinese American twins who were separated at 15-months-old reunite on ‘Good Morning America’ as both graduate as valedictorian of their respective high schools

Audrey Doering and Gracie Rainsberry are twins who were separated at 15-months-old when they were both adopted from China by two separate American families. The twins initially reunited for the first time seven years ago when they met on ‘Good Morning America’ (GMA) in 2017.

Audrey’s mom, Jennifer Doering, said that she became curious about her daughter’s past when she discovered an old picture of Audrey with who appeared to be an identical twin. Working with a Chinese researcher, Jennifer confirmed that Audrey did indeed have a twin, Gracie. Jennifer was eventually able to find Gracie’s mother on Facebook.

Since the twins first met on ‘GMA,’ they’ve been able to see one another about twice a year to celebrate birthdays and to go on trips together.

"Obviously our situation is not like other twins ... but we've just had so many amazing opportunities. We've been able to travel together and experience so many firsts, which has been special," Audrey said on ‘GMA.’ "I think just the best part is spending time with each other ... and just seeing how we’ve matured but how we’re still very similar."

Now, ‘GMA’ has brought the twins back together again to celebrate both of them graduating from their respective high school with the distinction of valedictorian! Soon, Audrey will attend Vanderbilt University and Gracie is headed to Eastern Oregon University, where she was recruited to play on the women's soccer team. Both received full scholarships.

Read more about their story here via ‘GMA’ and ABC News.

Wei Tsay

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